Monday 29 July 2013

Cony in the house!

Yaya! Been a user of LINE and LINE Camera for so long, finally I bought their machadinse.
Love this bunny "Cony" so much...hehe..actually Brown and Moon are cute too! I wish to bring them all home...but..they are quite pricey! I bought this Cony for RM79.90   >.<   you can find them at Isetan or Action City@Pavilion.

Saturday 27 July 2013

Gala Premiere of Kara King

人生第一次在FB的比赛中得奖,赢取了一对首映礼戏票 ^^!


My new Smurfs 2 tumble

Happy night!  I think one of my hobby is to collect limited edition tumble. ...ha ha ha!  Went to TGV for Kara King gala premiere tonight, saw this cute tumble while queueing up to buy drink and pop corn XD  (my evil idea came out....ekekeke) keep telling my darling the tumble is so cute!  Actually I was quite worry he dun allow me to get it as I already got my Starbucks tumble. the end he still buy for me...ekekeke!  Thanks god for sending u beside me to pamper me. ♡
Smurfs' fans! Faster grab yours before it run out of stock!  U can get it at any TGV cinema :)

Saturday 6 July 2013

Armadale Weddings

终于选定了Armadale Weddings 的 Edwin Tan 和 Foong 为我们拍摄婚纱照。当我们第一眼看到 Edwin Tan 的照片就被他独特的拍摄风格给迷住了,就算价钱有点贵但我们还是闭上一只眼睛签账了。。 XD &nbsp;好期待。。。好期待那一天的到来!

第一次和Edwin Tan 接触,感觉他又点酷酷的,但是酷酷的他还是很用心的为我们提供他专业的意见。可以让名人为我们拍摄人生就重要的婚纱照,走起路来也觉得有风。。。哈哈!XD 谢谢Darling的付出。。我知道你钱包大出血啦。。以后的日子我都会好好爱你!

Armadale Weddings的老板娘Joanne 好好人噢。。。畅快的性格让我们接触得很舒服,还提供我们很多意见要到那里拍摄。还有助手Jasmine,谢谢她教导我如何选择适合自己风格的婚纱。
Feeling ♡ with Armadale Weddings and SK2!